
Showing posts from March, 2017

Tuning Tips#1

1# Identify Performance Bottleneck before think Performance Tuning.  For example, if your query's performance is CPU bound, buying a faster disk will be complete waste of money. 2# Know details about INs and OUTs of database engines. For example, instead of SQL INSERT statement, bulk load utility may be more effective. 3#  DELETE * to empty a table can be painfully slow compared with DROP and CREATE, which in turn is much slower than TRUNCATE. But of course, your database software might not support TRUNCATE – which is why you need to know how it works. 4# Structure the  data as a MOLAP cube  (i.e. a multidimensional online analytical processing one) and cranking up the aggregation until your query performance flies. That may burn up disk space and data processing time, but it can make a huge difference. 5#  For cost-effective for disk-bound speed issuesThink about using  solid state drives (SSDs) . 6# If possible, perform extract, transform and load (ETL) processing in